a) The importance of the pre-negotiation planning phase

b) Real authority vs. apparent authority and purchasing implications

c) Purchasing vs. Legal vs. Finance

d) Managing hybrid purchasing roles (strategic/tactical)

e) Generating purchasing strength across multiple business units and geos

f) The supplier's role in consolidating business opportunities

a) Competition vs. long term relationships

b) Managing sole/single source for decreased TCO & risk

c) Harnessing supplier best practices

d) Thinking and practicing supply chain management for TCO e) Expenditure forecasting methods & vendor liability management

a) The influence vs. position power continuum

b) The dynamics of intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation

c) The role of listening and engaging d) Differentiating Win/Win from Win/Lose

a) The power of asking questions

b) Counter-intelligence information gathering c) Developing a concession matrix 50

d) Defining objectives and Win/Win Negotiationsfication

e) Supplier information gathering to ensure negotiation success

f) Calling the supplier's bluff-knowing if they can walk from the deal

a) Best in class behavioral negotiation tactics - review powerful "tool-kit" with components that can be referenced and used for varying negotiation situations

a) Assembling the team and setting expectations

b) Influencing management, internal customers, and stake holders on the negotiating plan

c) Do's and Don'ts of negotiation preparation